I write about Data Science, Engineering, and whatever else my pen leads me to.
This is an article detailing my contributions to the Ada Collab 2 Hackathon. · The Ada Software Engineering Internship Programme is a 7-month BootCamp...
This is second article in the series and it talks about the laws governing the acquisition and use of data. · "The greater the power, the more dangerous...
This is the first article in the series and it helps with explaining what exactly data is, how to get it, and the types of data that exist. · Data is...
Imagine a life where we didn't sort our clothes or have them arranged in our closets. I bet finding that favourite dress of yours would be such a...
An article on everything about my journey into tech this year, including the good, the bad, and the ugly. · 2022. Phew! What. A. Year. The person I was...
There are a lot of tech fields out there, and I mean a lot. A quick Google search can confirm that. You must be wondering, "Which do I learn?", "Do I...